Showing posts with label sunsets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunsets. Show all posts

Monday, 3 October 2011

Ambleside, Cumbria

The town of Ambleside at the North end of Lake Windermere is one of the main hiking, walking and tourist centres in the southern half of The English Lake District. The above photo of The 300 year old Bridge House is the classic image that marks the town.
It's original use was a river crossing over The Stock Ghyll with a room upstairs to store Apples from the orchards of Ambleside Hall.
Later it had connections to the mill industry for a short time before becoming a home to a furniture craftsman called 'Chairy" Rigg. His wife and six children lived in this two roomed house that was deemed luxury at the time. Other 20th century uses were a shoe repairer, an antique dealer and a plant seller. In 1926 a group of early preservationists including Beatrix Potter's husband bought the unique building and donated it to The National Trust for all to enjoy. In 1956 it became The National Trust's first visitor information centre.

21st century use of water !!
(I was a bit unsure of what to post next from the three threads available to me and decided that I didn't want to continue with yet more Glasgow material or start a major variety topic from this year ... I'll start that in January when material is a bit thin on the ground.... inversely proportional to the white stuff !! These next few posts depict 5 days at the end of July with Ambleside being my Bed & breakfast base at Kingswood B & B.)

Stock Ghyll, Ambleside
There seems to be a constant tension with regards to shopping in the town. Each year another outdoor and walking shop seems to open their doors to the public while the traditional establishments that have survived for years battle on ...

The Apple Pie teashop, Ambleside


Pub food
Much to the pleasure of the local resident, the intermediate satisfaction of the tourist and disgust of the walker is an unexpected Lake District enterprise. Hayes Garden World at the south end of the town is a different kind of outdoor centre with additional indoor retail opportunities to please a wide range of visitors on a rainy day.

Keeping an eye on business !!

Awaiting the menu

Throwing light on the ever increasing number of outdoor shops

... looks like the seats are talking about it !!
During the week, there was little opportunity to visit Lake at Windermere at the south side of the town, but it was a relaxing walk after evening meal on one occasion. I thought I would take the camera ...

Boats settling ....

... down for the night

Time to think about ...

... heading back to the B & B ...

... to be welcomed by Skip !! ...
.. and to make sure I get a good nights rest so that my eye is alert for things to look out tomorrow ...

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Newcastle International Airport & ..... beyond

With all this bad weather that we have been having recently, it just makes me want to fly off somewhere hot !! I don't intend to be biographical in this post but it may come as a surprise to you that I was never in an aircraft during 2010 and yet during the previous 6 years, I was never away from the above machinery and the associated company. For those who know the workings of this company, you will understand my relationship with these metal birds as I once received a £10 voucher for being a frequent flyer.... a very unusual event in this very tough business.

( Although I have material for 3 current posts, I am almost there with sorting out the data, numbering and communication between the new camera and computer... so I thought in the meantime I would re-live some bittersweet memories this month from the second half of 2009 when I first went digital giving a snapshot of the last 6 years of my life and an opportunity to show some of the images in the right hand side bar.)

Airports are usually sterile places and unique in their role but follow the same pattern of safety and mis-trust of the passenger and while you have to wait for hours, lets see if we can relieve them off their money on things that they really do not need !!

Treasure.......Watch out for the sharks !!

The only "empty" seats of the departure lounge

The mirage of Duty free !!!
Time to think about why I am here and my attention turns to what is happening outside, baggage loading, fuel pipes, 25 minute turn arounds. Deciding who I'll be sharing my journey with..... I was the casual traveller sharing the accommodation with the suited businessmen.

The flagship, the scary and the budget... you decide !

Occasionally the monotony was broken by emergency landings and unusual observations......

cornered .... is it one of ours ? !

separated at birth, re-united at gates 6 and 10 !!

Then all of a sudden, the excitement of the rush, when the gate was flashed up on the board. No booked seats, just speedy boarding, group A and B and the stampede for a seat like cows at a farmers auction market.

In the previous 6 years, I had the privilege of using EasyJet for a host of destinations around Europe including Paris, Barcelona, Budapest, Prague, Venice, Rome, Krakow and Nice ....

...but it was not on these flights that I got to know the cabin crew well, it was on an internal domestic flight that saved a 5 hour train journey.

57 trips on a choice of late evening flights which was just in time to see the sun set out of the westward facing window.

Only 42 minutes in the air before it was time to land as the sun began to set on my flight...

To be continued ..... with my destination

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