Sunday, 6 June 2010


I was introduced to the blog world yesterday by a workmate and would like the opportunity to show some photographs that will hopefully be of interest to those looking in. I have taken photographs for many years but was dragged kicking and screaming into the digital age during 2009.
I'm not sure how this is going to develop but I hope this particular journey of crossing this bridge and future experiences are pleasurable for both the viewer and contributor alike.



  1. Hi J....finally found you. Welcome to the world of blogging. It is such good fun and I know you will meet some lovely people along the way. I will add you to my blogroll. Den x

  2. Congratulations on post number 50! I've been scrolling through and you have soe wonderful photos of beautiful and interesting places. I'm especially keen because they are north. I like north :)

  3. H... Thanks for your patience that you have shown by looking through all my posts... respect to you, hope you had an enjoyable journey here. Apart from the accommodation for the mountaineering trips, I had no idea how the second half of the year was going to take shape. 50 is not a great number but I wanted document the pleasures and traumas of the post title. I'll be having a look at your pages again soon.
